Recovering in a World Obsessed with Dieting
Nourish2Flourish is a platform dedicated to providing a safe space for individuals who are: suffering from an eating disorder; in recovery; or supporting a loved one. My aim is to build a community where people who have had similar experiences with an eating disorder can share their thoughts and feelings without the worry of not being understood. Everyone is welcome to engage, whether you are going through an ED yourself, or a parent/friend of someone who is. This blog will consist of all sorts of topics, ranging from: poems, personal stories, artwork and information to offer support and guidance.
14 Feb 2025 18:52
14 Feb 2025 15:43
6 Feb 2025 11:51
20 Jan 2025 15:01
20 Jan 2025 14:30
We all know how a big part of EDs is not feeling sick enough. Nothing is ever enough for your eating disorder, including your health.
17 Jan 2025 18:38
"Recovery from an eating disorder can take months, even years." - NEDA (National Eating Disorder Association)
I have recently stumbled across this...
People of colour with eating disorders are half as likely to be diagnosed or to receive treatment.
I am really interested to hear from people who can relate to this statistic and your struggles within the ED system. Fill out the form below or contact Everything is anonymous!
Eating disorders are very competitive illnesses- constantly doing everything we can to make ourselves the 'sickest'. In the depths of an ED, we can become very sensitive to specific conversations surrounding dieting, weight, calories etc. Hearing someone being admitted to hospital as a consequence of their ED could make us believe we aren't valid if we haven't got to that stage. On this blog, there may be posts which mention details of an individuals story such as weight, calories, self-harm and hospital admissions. Please remember you are valid; your eating disorder is serious no matter what. You deserve help at any stage. If you feel you are in a sensitive place currently, my advice would be to avoid these posts (there will be content warnings above). But don't worry! Since I want this to be a safe space for everybody, I will ensure there are posts free of any triggering topics.
All blogs shared are confidential and anonymous.