
An eating disorder is incredibly tough to deal with, and it can be extremely exhausting. 

During recovery, it is important to identify what healthy coping strategies help us get through the dark days. Everybody is different; what works for me might not work for you. However, I've listed below some activities/grounding techniques I find helpful in moments of crisis/overwhelm.

1. Journaling. Every night I write down in a journal every thought that comes to my head. Since night-time is often a time of over-thinking and heightened emotions, I find letting it all out before I sleep works well. It doesn't even have to make sense! Put pen to paper and let your mind do the rest. 


2. If the idea of keeping all the negative thoughts in one place seems daunting/unhelpful, burning or ripping it up can be very healing. 


3. A bath! One of my go-tos if I'm having a shit day is relaxing in a hot bath with a book. I add bath bombs and bath salts to enhance the calming atmosphere; scents such as lavender have been proven to help calm the nervous system and reduce stress. 


No one should have to go through this on their own. Talking to someone you trust is often the first step to recovery. It can feel frightening at first- however, once you have said the words, a weight will lift from your shoulder. It may not fix anything but having a support system is so important starting recovery.

Helplines and Other Organisations

Caring for a loved one with an eating disorder can be as equally exhausting. The constant worry, frustration and pressure it can have can be debilitating. It is okay to ask for help- you are not alone in this. There are many support groups and advice available for those looking after someone with an ED; the best way to support them is by making sure you are also looking after yourself.