What is it?

OSFED, otherwise known as : Other specified feeding or eating disorder, is the diagnosis given if you experience symptoms of one or more eating disorders but don't fit all the criteria. It is common for OSFED to develop into another ED, as the individual's symptoms may change/increase and eventually fit the criteria for e.g. anorexia or bulimia etc. It is also the category A-typical Anorexia falls under. Frustratingly, professionals often mistreat and misdiagnose OSFED because they don't fit their ED stereotypes or they don't 'look' like they have an eating disorder. Despite this, other specified feeding or eating disorder is the most common and accounts for the highest percentage of eating disorders. Yet it isn't talked about as much as the others?
Symptoms usually fit multiple eating disorders, for example:
- Body Dysmorphia
- Restrictive Eating
- Extreme Fear of Gaining Weight
- Purging (not necessarily after bingeing)
- Bingeing
- Preoccupation with Food and Weight


Due to being an umbrella term for a number of EDs that are 'hard to specify', complications can vary. If the individual is experiencing a-typical anorexia, or severe restriction, it can lead to the same implications on the heart and brain. Likewise with bulimia, if they are purging although not bingeing, it will still have the same affects on electrolyte imbalances.